Guest Students Policy

Revised and approved February 2022

Welcome and Slán Abhaile!

Whilst we run a student exchange programme with Bochum Steiner School in Germany and so cannot accommodate individual exchanges, we recognise the immense benefits to both guest students and host families and classes in fostering cultural exchange through attending school in another country.

We greatly value the contribution of our guest students make to school life and operate a Guest Student Programme to realise this ideal. Guest students will experience daily life in Northern Ireland and improve their English; our students will improve their social and cultural awareness.

Our School is in a beautiful coastal setting in Northern Ireland, between a sea lough and gentle green hills. Our approach is more informal than many schools abroad; everyone is known by their first name, including all teachers and other staff.

As the greatest demand is for places in Class 10, it may be necessary for a guest student in Class 10 in their home country to consider joining our Class 9, if there are places available. Prospective guest students should be aware that Class 10 sit some public examinations in the Summer Term.

Main Lessons in the Upper School follow the usual Steiner School Curriculum used world-wide. Guest students are fully integrated into the class and have the same timetable as our home students. However, they are helped along by teachers, students and host families, especially at the beginning of their stay.

A Report is issued at the end of every overseas student’s stay.

Tuition costs

See separate Fee Schedule for Guest Students


Ideally, guest students stay with current families of our students at the Holywood Steiner School. Occasionally former families are also willing to be hosts. There are extensive laws for the protection of children in Northern Ireland, so all families who wish to host are vetted by the Police Service.

If a student is under 16 the family will also need to register with Social Services and the student will be visited by a social worker every six weeks – this is now the law in the UK. We try to match the age of the Guest student with those in the family but this is not always possible.

Host families may live in towns and villages close to the school or in the surrounding country areas. Guest students are welcomed as part of the family and encouraged to join in the family activities, including those at the weekends.If the Guest student has any special hobby (for example music or sport) we shall try to make it possible for this to be pursued.

Clothing should be suitable for all weathers and for life in a damp and cool climate - bring old clothes too!


The Holywood Steiner School recommends a rate of £130 per week for room and board. This includes food, laundry and transport to and from school. Payments should be made in advance, directly to the host family.

Students will also need some pocket money for their own entertainment, (e.g. cinema) and for bus or train fares if they want to go out and about with friends.

The Holywood Steiner School is not responsible for the administration and organisation of the financial agreement between the families.

Enrollment procedure

To apply for a place, please follow the procedure on our website.

There is always a great demand for places in Classes 9 and 10 (especially Class 10), so we recommend applying early.

Applications for the next school year are accepted from January of the previous school year.

Please send the following forms either by email or by post to the relevant address below:

  1. The Enrolment Form, to be signed by the student and a parent.

  2. The Parental Consent Form to be signed by a parent.

  3. The Media Consent Form to be signed by a parent.

After we have received these forms and offered you a place if one is available, we will send you the following forms by email. They should be filled in and sent back to complete the enrolment process.

  1. A short Report Form for the class teacher, sponsor or English teacher to fill in, describing the social, academic and practical/artistic abilities of the student.

  2. A Health Form for your doctor to fill in.

  3. The Fee Agreement for parents to fill in which includes the school’s bank details

  4. An invoice for one month’s fee in advance to secure the place. This will be deducted from the overall fee.

  5. Please also return a copy of the student’s passport or identity card or whichever travel document they will use to come to Northern Ireland.

Important: A place will only be finally reserved when all of these received and the school have confirmed the availability of a suitable host family

For further information, please contact the school office or email