Structure of the school

The school is a registered charity. The members of the charity form a heterarchical (i.e. non-hierarchical) legal reflection of all those currently involved with the school. The purpose of the membership is to represent the interests of the charity’s beneficiaries. It does this by hosting an Annual General Meeting once a year to do the following:

  • Appoint members of the Board of Trustees;

  • Hold them accountable for the effective governance of the school through a review of last year and a preview of the coming year;

  • Pass the accounts and appoint external auditors.

We are in an exciting period of development at our school and are now looking for experienced individuals to join the Board of Trustees to help us deliver on our ambitions.

If you are interested in enhancing your own skills and/or supporting an innovative and truly effective educational approach, then this could be the opportunity for you. Please see here for more details.



Management of the School


The Headteacher is responsible for the effective leadership and management of the school.

Peter Chambers

Stephanie Sim
Head of Lower School
(Class 1 – Class 7)

Julie Higgins
Head of Upper School
(Class 8 – Class 11)



The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the effective governance of the school. It appoints (employs) all members of staff. It delegates responsibility for the effective management of the school to the Head Teacher and the College of Teachers. The task of the Board of Trustees is to hold an awareness of and make decisions about what is in the best long-term interests of the whole school.

Members of the Board of Trustees 2024 - 2025

Lauren Simpson - Chair

Andrew Gray - Co Chair

Aoife Cunningham - Secretary

Dominique Megarry

Garret O’Fachtna

Trevor Willis



Waldorf UK

Holywood Steiner School is a member of Waldorf UK, which represents 28 schools in the UK and co-ordinates Steiner curriculum research and development, supports teacher training programmes, and provides advisory and mentoring services to member schools. Waldorf UK is part of the international European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE) comprising 26 national Steiner Waldorf Associations, representing over 680 schools in Europe. To discover more, please download the Steiner Schools Fellowship Prospectus (PDF)