Start of term

We were delighted to welcome the whole school back on a bright day on Sept 1st. Led in song by Ruth de Villeneuve, the new Class 1 pupils were delighted to receive flower posies from the Upper School students and were led back to class by the older students.

PFA Annual General Meeting

The Parents and Friends Association would like to invite you to its Annual General Meeting at the end of this month. You can expect friendly faces alongside a warm beverage. The evening will be spent reflecting on the year gone by, and looking ahead to the new term. If you want any more information - please reach out! Jenny Holland is the current Chair and Annmarie Judge-Preston is the Hon Secretary. More details are on the PFA page of the website.

Job opportunities

The Board of Trustees is recruiting for three posts:

Class 1 teacher

Learning Support Assistant (post primary) and


For full details, please see

St John's Day picnic

It is almost time for our annual St John’s Day picnic. Come along on Friday, June 24th at 12:30pm and meet up with other Steiner families to share food and catch up on life. All pupils finish at 12:30pm and need a parent with them in order to stay and enjoy the day.

The Belfast Scholastic Chess Shields

Calum Glendinning (Class 11) was invited to Stormont by Naomi Long MLA for the Belfast Children’s Chess Awards on Friday 10th June. This event was to celebrate the best young talent in chess and Calum was awarded the Belfast Scholastic Fergus O’Neill Shield for puzzle-solving and shares the title of Senior Secondary Chess Champion 2022.

The Board of Trustees is recruiting....

Several posts have been advertised today, and we would encourage you to look at the full details on

There are opportunities for a Kindergarten teacher, a Class 1 teacher, 2x Learning Support Assistants, an Art teacher (maternity cover) and a Music teacher (maternity cover). There is also an opening for a part-time caretaker/cleaner.

Grounds Day - May 21st

We would like to welcome all our families and supporters to the school this Saturday for our final Grounds’ Day of the year. A little bit of work from everyone will make a big difference to the school. Please come along from 10-12pm, catch up with friends and enjoy a coffee and scone compliments of the PFA.

May Day

May Day was celebrated in traditional style at Holywood Steiner this year. After a two-year break, our Lower School pupils were invited to join the town celebrations and dance alongside pupils from St Patrick’s PS and Holywood PS in front of a large and enthusiastic audience. The next day, our own May Queen was crowned and she regally accepted gifts of flowers and pretty leaves from the rest of the school.

Welcome back!

Peter welcomes everyone back on the first day of summer term with an assembly held outdoors. Students and teachers enjoyed a two-week break and now face the prospect of a bright, full and busy term ahead.

Easter Fair

Easter Fair 2022 - what a wonderful festival we had yesterday with a host of friends and visitors enjoying all that was on offer. Crafters, food stalls, children’s activities, bonfire marshmallows, tribal drumming - there was something for everyone at our first big event of the year.

Giving Strategy

Today, the Board of Trustees of Holywood Steiner School launched its Giving Strategy, which supports the ongoing growth and development ambitions of the school. Sourcing and securing private and public funding are paramount in realising the exciting ambitions for growth and development.

International Women's Day

Today, on International Women’s Day, we would like to honour Saralies van den Briel (1930 - 1981) . As founder of Holywood Steiner School, she has left behind an incredible legacy that will live on in the hearts of everyone she touched. A dynamic woman, Saralies’s influence and contribution helped institute change across education almost 50 years ago and we continue to reap that benefit every day. Continued……..

Summer Athletics

Do you know your ABCs of movement? Agility, balance and coordination form the basis of athletic ability and with our new after-schools athletics programme, Coach Francis will be guiding the children through a range of fun activities to build on these core skills. Full details and booking available at

Grounds Day

Come along and help us prepare for Spring. We would like to welcome current families, alumni and supporters this Saturday, Feb 26th from 10am-12pm to help us carry out a series of outdoor jobs in readiness for the season ahead. Tea and coffee will be served to warm you up mid-morning!

Return to school in the snow!

Welcome back to school and here comes the snow! Everyone returned to school with stories to share after a two-week winter break. Just when things began to settle, the snow arrived. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay for long and we are still waiting for our recently created ice sun catchers to freeze over.

Learn a new skill in the New Year

Have you thought about learning a new skill - how about copper smithing or learning to transform fleece to fabric? We are pleased to partner with Elements Forest and Garden School to provide classes in the New Year. Please see the flyers for more details on the courses and how to book.